Member Center

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Felice Anno Nuovo 2021
Happy New Year 2021
Il mondo può combiare! Non abbiate paura di avere il coraggio!
The world can change! Do not be afraid to have courage!
With the guidance from Papa Giovanni Paolo II, let us courageously expand five positives from the Coronavirus--Compassion, Commitment, Connection,Communication, and Collaboration--that have been repeatedly exemplified during the worldwide pandemic.
Con Libertà, Ugualianza e Fraternità
With Liberty, Equality and Fraternity
Dr. Marlene Palazzo
OSDIA Black Diamond 1809

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Christmas Caravan 2020

With OSDIA gatherings cancelled this year, we wanted to safely visit with our members and spread Christmas cheer, Covid style. We communicated this out via email as it was open for all members (whether they wanted to join the caravan or have the caravan stop by their home). 

Black Diamond Lodge 1809 members met Wednesday, December 23rd and formed a Christmas Caravan of decorated vehicles to spread Christmas cheer by President Marlene, Barb Cloud, Janice and Tom.

We started out, Ho Ho Ho,  and visited State President Rosetta and husband Ronnie in Auburn where Barb Cloud played carols on her accordion.  Our elf, Janice delivered Christmas treats (made by Barb Cloud) and Marlene and Tom were backup with jingling the Christmas bells. Rosetta was kind enough to share hot cocoa and cookies with us.

We next headed to Jeanette’s in Enumclaw before stopping by Dan and Lisa’s in Black Diamond. The Caravan continued and we visited Janet, Mary Ann, Deanna and finally Don and Cathy all located in Maple Valley. 

It was super fun for all and thanks to Barb Cloud’s music, it was a night of entertainment as there was dancing and air hugs as the Christmas Caravan went home to home.


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Monday, December 7, 2020

Our next virtual meeting


Guests: Contact Secretary Tom Cole for the link. Tom's email name is Tommaso dot Cole. The rest of it is at Yahoo dot com.