Member Center

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Welcome to the History Blog of Lodge 1809

This blog is about the history of our lodge and has been in the works for a long time.  It hadn't moved to the top of my priority list until now. Why now? Because the world is dealing with COVID-19. The virus has caused the cancellation of our lodge meetings and our physical contact with each other; something none of us would have imagined. 

Let me introduce myself: I am Barbara Benedetti Newton, a direct descendant of Frederick and Rose Benedetti, two of our lodge Charter Members.  I became the Historian for our lodge a few years ago and I had grand plans for this history blog. 

My goal was to start at the beginning, in 1937. I hoped to create an entertaining and informational story of our lodge and the early members.  I just haven't gotten around to it until now. Recently, it occurred to me that we are making lodge history right now by being isolated from one another. I hope this blog can serve as a meeting place until we are able to meet again in person.

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Click on the Member Center link at top left of this page to see photos and greetings from our brothers and sisters in lodge #1809. Send your photos and greetings to me for inclusion. 

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1937  From January through May of 1937, all who registered were listed on the official Charter of Members of Black Diamond Lodge 1809, hand calligraphed and embellished by J. Rigo. Members are listed in alphabetical order. This original Charter is on display at the Black Diamond Historical Society Museum, Black Diamond, Washington.

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